+declare -i sinks_count=`pacmd list-sinks | grep -c index:[[:space:]][[:digit:]]`
+if [ $sinks_count -eq 0 ] ; then
+ exit
+declare -i active_sink_index=`pacmd list-sinks | sed -n -e 's/\*[[:space:]]index:[[:space:]]\([[:digit:]]\)/\1/p'`
+let next_sink_index=-1
+while read index ;
+ declare -i ind=($(echo $index | tr -dc '[0-9]+'))
+ if [ $next_sink_index -lt 0 ] ; then
+ export next_sink_index=$ind
+ fi
+ if [ $active_index_position_found -eq 1 ] ; then
+ export next_sink_index=$ind
+ break;
+ fi
+ if [ $active_sink_index -eq $ind ] ; then
+ export active_index_position_found=1
+ fi
+done < <(pacmd list-sinks | grep index:[[:space:]][[:digit:]])
+#change the default sink
+pacmd "set-default-sink ${next_sink_index}"
+#move all inputs to the new sink
+for app in $(pacmd list-sink-inputs | sed -n -e 's/index:[[:space:]]\([[:digit:]] \)/\1/p');
+ pacmd "move-sink-input $app $next_sink_index"
+#display notification
+declare -i ndx=0
+pacmd list-sinks | sed -n -e 's/device.description[[:space:]]=[[:space:]]"\(.*\)"/\1/p' | while read line;
+ if [ $next_sink_index -eq $ndx ] ; then
+ #notify-send -i notification-audio-volume-high "Sound output switched to" "$line"
+ notify-send "Sound output switched" "$line"
+ exit
+ fi
+ ndx+=1