diff: define block by number of alphanumeric chars
authorJonathan Tan <jonathantanmy@google.com>
Wed, 16 Aug 2017 01:27:39 +0000 (18:27 -0700)
committerJunio C Hamano <gitster@pobox.com>
Wed, 16 Aug 2017 18:44:00 +0000 (11:44 -0700)
The existing behavior of diff --color-moved=zebra does not define the
minimum size of a block at all, instead relying on a heuristic applied
later to filter out sets of adjacent moved lines that are shorter than 3
lines long. This can be confusing, because a block could thus be colored
as moved at the source but not at the destination (or vice versa),
depending on its neighbors.

Instead, teach diff that the minimum size of a block is 20 alphanumeric
characters, the same heuristic used by "git blame". This allows diff to
still exclude uninteresting lines appearing on their own (such as those
solely consisting of one or a few closing braces), as was the intention
of the adjacent-moved-line heuristic.

This requires a change in some tests in that some of their lines are no
longer considered to be part of a block, because they are too short.

Signed-off-by: Jonathan Tan <jonathantanmy@google.com>
Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <gitster@pobox.com>
index bc52bd0b9915059fcd1f9a093e41281cf48a1665..b8c881605c195687df5b51a442465f3de8b0d1d3 100644 (file)
@@ -254,13 +254,11 @@ plain::
        moved line, but it is not very useful in a review to determine
        if a block of code was moved without permutation.
-       Blocks of moved code are detected greedily. The detected blocks are
+       Blocks of moved text of at least 20 alphanumeric characters
+       are detected greedily. The detected blocks are
        painted using either the 'color.diff.{old,new}Moved' color or
        'color.diff.{old,new}MovedAlternative'. The change between
-       the two colors indicates that a new block was detected. If there
-       are fewer than 3 adjacent moved lines, they are not marked up
-       as moved, but the regular colors 'color.diff.{old,new}' will be
-       used.
+       the two colors indicates that a new block was detected.
        Similar to 'zebra', but additional dimming of uninteresting parts
        of moved code is performed. The bordering lines of two adjacent
diff --git a/diff.c b/diff.c
index f598d8a3a04c5125e2bbd758e518c79b1ba25a18..c50fcc7ea5c8bc2e28a976332bfe1d3e48338ad5 100644 (file)
--- a/diff.c
+++ b/diff.c
@@ -864,19 +864,31 @@ static int shrink_potential_moved_blocks(struct moved_entry **pmb,
  * If o->color_moved is COLOR_MOVED_PLAIN, this function does nothing.
- * Otherwise, if the last block has fewer lines than
+ * Otherwise, if the last block has fewer alphanumeric characters than
  * that block.
  * The last block consists of the (n - block_length)'th line up to but not
  * including the nth line.
+ *
+ * NEEDSWORK: This uses the same heuristic as blame_entry_score() in blame.c.
+ * Think of a way to unify them.
 static void adjust_last_block(struct diff_options *o, int n, int block_length)
-       int i;
-       if (block_length >= COLOR_MOVED_MIN_BLOCK_LENGTH ||
-           o->color_moved == COLOR_MOVED_PLAIN)
+       int i, alnum_count = 0;
+       if (o->color_moved == COLOR_MOVED_PLAIN)
+       for (i = 1; i < block_length + 1; i++) {
+               const char *c = o->emitted_symbols->buf[n - i].line;
+               for (; *c; c++) {
+                       if (!isalnum(*c))
+                               continue;
+                       alnum_count++;
+                       if (alnum_count >= COLOR_MOVED_MIN_ALNUM_COUNT)
+                               return;
+               }
+       }
        for (i = 1; i < block_length + 1; i++)
                o->emitted_symbols->buf[n - i].flags &= ~DIFF_SYMBOL_MOVED_LINE;
@@ -923,7 +935,6 @@ static void mark_color_as_moved(struct diff_options *o,
                l->flags |= DIFF_SYMBOL_MOVED_LINE;
-               block_length++;
                if (o->color_moved == COLOR_MOVED_PLAIN)
@@ -953,8 +964,13 @@ static void mark_color_as_moved(struct diff_options *o,
                        flipped_block = (flipped_block + 1) % 2;
+                       adjust_last_block(o, n, block_length);
+                       block_length = 0;
+               block_length++;
                if (flipped_block)
                        l->flags |= DIFF_SYMBOL_MOVED_LINE_ALT;
diff --git a/diff.h b/diff.h
index 5755f465de3c11215d12ce9455936c6755f13426..aca150ba2e0f0b0a984e7f15c292af5f5b057d61 100644 (file)
--- a/diff.h
+++ b/diff.h
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ struct diff_options {
                COLOR_MOVED_ZEBRA_DIM = 3,
        } color_moved;
+       #define COLOR_MOVED_MIN_ALNUM_COUNT 20
 void diff_emit_submodule_del(struct diff_options *o, const char *line);
index 6ae62a6bf6bf60943486adbc7cb27b9ee586f312..12d182dc1bba82401a929e6207eb2dcc7ea21672 100755 (executable)
@@ -1101,9 +1101,9 @@ test_expect_success 'detect malicious moved code, inside file' '
        <BLUE>-if (!u->is_allowed_foo)<RESET>
-       <BRED>-foo(u);<RESET>
-       <BLUE>-}<RESET>
-       <BLUE>-<RESET>
+       <RED>-foo(u);<RESET>
+       <RED>-}<RESET>
+       <RED>-<RESET>
         int main()<RESET>
@@ -1117,11 +1117,11 @@ test_expect_success 'detect malicious moved code, inside file' '
        <BGREEN>+<RESET><BGREEN>int secure_foo(struct user *u)<RESET>
-       <YELLOW>+<RESET><YELLOW>foo(u);<RESET>
+       <GREEN>+<RESET><GREEN>foo(u);<RESET>
        <BGREEN>+<RESET><BGREEN>if (!u->is_allowed_foo)<RESET>
-       <YELLOW>+<RESET>
+       <GREEN>+<RESET>
         int another_function()<RESET>
@@ -1182,9 +1182,9 @@ test_expect_success 'plain moved code, inside file' '
 test_expect_success 'detect permutations inside moved code -- dimmed_zebra' '
        git reset --hard &&
        cat <<-\EOF >lines.txt &&
-               line 1
-               line 2
-               line 3
+               long line 1
+               long line 2
+               long line 3
                line 4
                line 5
                line 6
@@ -1195,9 +1195,9 @@ test_expect_success 'detect permutations inside moved code -- dimmed_zebra' '
                line 11
                line 12
                line 13
-               line 14
-               line 15
-               line 16
+               long line 14
+               long line 15
+               long line 16
        git add lines.txt &&
        git commit -m "add poetry" &&
@@ -1208,12 +1208,12 @@ test_expect_success 'detect permutations inside moved code -- dimmed_zebra' '
                line 7
                line 8
                line 9
-               line 1
-               line 2
-               line 3
-               line 14
-               line 15
-               line 16
+               long line 1
+               long line 2
+               long line 3
+               long line 14
+               long line 15
+               long line 16
                line 10
                line 11
                line 12
@@ -1227,35 +1227,36 @@ test_expect_success 'detect permutations inside moved code -- dimmed_zebra' '
        test_config color.diff.newMovedDimmed "normal cyan" &&
        test_config color.diff.oldMovedAlternativeDimmed "normal blue" &&
        test_config color.diff.newMovedAlternativeDimmed "normal yellow" &&
-       git diff HEAD --no-renames --color-moved=dimmed_zebra| test_decode_color >actual &&
+       git diff HEAD --no-renames --color-moved=dimmed_zebra |
+               grep -v "index" |
+               test_decode_color >actual &&
        cat <<-\EOF >expected &&
        <BOLD>diff --git a/lines.txt b/lines.txt<RESET>
-       <BOLD>index 47ea9c3..ba96a38 100644<RESET>
        <BOLD>--- a/lines.txt<RESET>
        <BOLD>+++ b/lines.txt<RESET>
        <CYAN>@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@<RESET>
-       <BMAGENTA>-line 1<RESET>
-       <BMAGENTA>-line 2<RESET>
-       <BMAGENTA>-line 3<RESET>
+       <BMAGENTA>-long line 1<RESET>
+       <BMAGENTA>-long line 2<RESET>
+       <BMAGENTA>-long line 3<RESET>
         line 4<RESET>
         line 5<RESET>
         line 6<RESET>
         line 7<RESET>
         line 8<RESET>
         line 9<RESET>
-       <BCYAN>+<RESET><BCYAN>line 1<RESET>
-       <BCYAN>+<RESET><BCYAN>line 2<RESET>
-       <CYAN>+<RESET><CYAN>line 3<RESET>
-       <YELLOW>+<RESET><YELLOW>line 14<RESET>
-       <BYELLOW>+<RESET><BYELLOW>line 15<RESET>
-       <BYELLOW>+<RESET><BYELLOW>line 16<RESET>
+       <BCYAN>+<RESET><BCYAN>long line 1<RESET>
+       <BCYAN>+<RESET><BCYAN>long line 2<RESET>
+       <CYAN>+<RESET><CYAN>long line 3<RESET>
+       <YELLOW>+<RESET><YELLOW>long line 14<RESET>
+       <BYELLOW>+<RESET><BYELLOW>long line 15<RESET>
+       <BYELLOW>+<RESET><BYELLOW>long line 16<RESET>
         line 10<RESET>
         line 11<RESET>
         line 12<RESET>
         line 13<RESET>
-       <BMAGENTA>-line 14<RESET>
-       <BMAGENTA>-line 15<RESET>
-       <BMAGENTA>-line 16<RESET>
+       <BMAGENTA>-long line 14<RESET>
+       <BMAGENTA>-long line 15<RESET>
+       <BMAGENTA>-long line 16<RESET>
        test_cmp expected actual
@@ -1270,35 +1271,36 @@ test_expect_success 'cmd option assumes configured colored-moved' '
        test_config color.diff.oldMovedAlternativeDimmed "normal blue" &&
        test_config color.diff.newMovedAlternativeDimmed "normal yellow" &&
        test_config diff.colorMoved zebra &&
-       git diff HEAD --no-renames --color-moved| test_decode_color >actual &&
+       git diff HEAD --no-renames --color-moved |
+               grep -v "index" |
+               test_decode_color >actual &&
        cat <<-\EOF >expected &&
        <BOLD>diff --git a/lines.txt b/lines.txt<RESET>
-       <BOLD>index 47ea9c3..ba96a38 100644<RESET>
        <BOLD>--- a/lines.txt<RESET>
        <BOLD>+++ b/lines.txt<RESET>
        <CYAN>@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@<RESET>
-       <MAGENTA>-line 1<RESET>
-       <MAGENTA>-line 2<RESET>
-       <MAGENTA>-line 3<RESET>
+       <MAGENTA>-long line 1<RESET>
+       <MAGENTA>-long line 2<RESET>
+       <MAGENTA>-long line 3<RESET>
         line 4<RESET>
         line 5<RESET>
         line 6<RESET>
         line 7<RESET>
         line 8<RESET>
         line 9<RESET>
-       <CYAN>+<RESET><CYAN>line 1<RESET>
-       <CYAN>+<RESET><CYAN>line 2<RESET>
-       <CYAN>+<RESET><CYAN>line 3<RESET>
-       <YELLOW>+<RESET><YELLOW>line 14<RESET>
-       <YELLOW>+<RESET><YELLOW>line 15<RESET>
-       <YELLOW>+<RESET><YELLOW>line 16<RESET>
+       <CYAN>+<RESET><CYAN>long line 1<RESET>
+       <CYAN>+<RESET><CYAN>long line 2<RESET>
+       <CYAN>+<RESET><CYAN>long line 3<RESET>
+       <YELLOW>+<RESET><YELLOW>long line 14<RESET>
+       <YELLOW>+<RESET><YELLOW>long line 15<RESET>
+       <YELLOW>+<RESET><YELLOW>long line 16<RESET>
         line 10<RESET>
         line 11<RESET>
         line 12<RESET>
         line 13<RESET>
-       <MAGENTA>-line 14<RESET>
-       <MAGENTA>-line 15<RESET>
-       <MAGENTA>-line 16<RESET>
+       <MAGENTA>-long line 14<RESET>
+       <MAGENTA>-long line 15<RESET>
+       <MAGENTA>-long line 16<RESET>
        test_cmp expected actual
@@ -1324,16 +1326,16 @@ line 1
 line 2
 line 3
 line 4
-line 5
-line 6
-line 7
+long line 5
+long line 6
+long line 7
        git add lines.txt &&
        git commit -m "add poetry" &&
        cat <<\EOF >lines.txt &&
-       line 5
-       line 6
-       line 7
+       long line 5
+       long line 6
+       long line 7
 line 1
 line 2
 line 3
@@ -1341,48 +1343,50 @@ line 4
        test_config color.diff.oldMoved "magenta" &&
        test_config color.diff.newMoved "cyan" &&
-       git diff HEAD --no-renames --color-moved| test_decode_color >actual &&
+       git diff HEAD --no-renames --color-moved |
+               grep -v "index" |
+               test_decode_color >actual &&
        cat <<-\EOF >expected &&
        <BOLD>diff --git a/lines.txt b/lines.txt<RESET>
-       <BOLD>index 734156d..eb89ead 100644<RESET>
        <BOLD>--- a/lines.txt<RESET>
        <BOLD>+++ b/lines.txt<RESET>
        <CYAN>@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@<RESET>
-       <GREEN>+<RESET> <GREEN>line 5<RESET>
-       <GREEN>+<RESET> <GREEN>line 6<RESET>
-       <GREEN>+<RESET> <GREEN>line 7<RESET>
+       <GREEN>+<RESET> <GREEN>long line 5<RESET>
+       <GREEN>+<RESET> <GREEN>long line 6<RESET>
+       <GREEN>+<RESET> <GREEN>long line 7<RESET>
         line 1<RESET>
         line 2<RESET>
         line 3<RESET>
         line 4<RESET>
-       <RED>-line 5<RESET>
-       <RED>-line 6<RESET>
-       <RED>-line 7<RESET>
+       <RED>-long line 5<RESET>
+       <RED>-long line 6<RESET>
+       <RED>-long line 7<RESET>
        test_cmp expected actual &&
-       git diff HEAD --no-renames -w --color-moved| test_decode_color >actual &&
+       git diff HEAD --no-renames -w --color-moved |
+               grep -v "index" |
+               test_decode_color >actual &&
        cat <<-\EOF >expected &&
        <BOLD>diff --git a/lines.txt b/lines.txt<RESET>
-       <BOLD>index 734156d..eb89ead 100644<RESET>
        <BOLD>--- a/lines.txt<RESET>
        <BOLD>+++ b/lines.txt<RESET>
        <CYAN>@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@<RESET>
-       <CYAN>+<RESET>  <CYAN>line 5<RESET>
-       <CYAN>+<RESET>  <CYAN>line 6<RESET>
-       <CYAN>+<RESET>  <CYAN>line 7<RESET>
+       <CYAN>+<RESET>  <CYAN>long line 5<RESET>
+       <CYAN>+<RESET>  <CYAN>long line 6<RESET>
+       <CYAN>+<RESET>  <CYAN>long line 7<RESET>
         line 1<RESET>
         line 2<RESET>
         line 3<RESET>
         line 4<RESET>
-       <MAGENTA>-line 5<RESET>
-       <MAGENTA>-line 6<RESET>
-       <MAGENTA>-line 7<RESET>
+       <MAGENTA>-long line 5<RESET>
+       <MAGENTA>-long line 6<RESET>
+       <MAGENTA>-long line 7<RESET>
        test_cmp expected actual
-test_expect_success '--color-moved block at end of diff output respects MIN_BLOCK_LENGTH' '
+test_expect_success '--color-moved block at end of diff output respects MIN_ALNUM_COUNT' '
        git reset --hard &&
        >bar &&
        cat <<-\EOF >foo &&
@@ -1419,6 +1423,90 @@ test_expect_success '--color-moved block at end of diff output respects MIN_BLOC
        test_cmp expected actual
+test_expect_success '--color-moved respects MIN_ALNUM_COUNT' '
+       git reset --hard &&
+       cat <<-\EOF >foo &&
+       nineteen chars 456789
+       irrelevant_line
+       twenty chars 234567890
+       EOF
+       >bar &&
+       git add foo bar &&
+       git commit -m x &&
+       cat <<-\EOF >foo &&
+       irrelevant_line
+       EOF
+       cat <<-\EOF >bar &&
+       twenty chars 234567890
+       nineteen chars 456789
+       EOF
+       git diff HEAD --color-moved=zebra --no-renames |
+               grep -v "index" |
+               test_decode_color >actual &&
+       cat >expected <<-\EOF &&
+       <BOLD>diff --git a/bar b/bar<RESET>
+       <BOLD>--- a/bar<RESET>
+       <BOLD>+++ b/bar<RESET>
+       <CYAN>@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@<RESET>
+       <BOLD;CYAN>+<RESET><BOLD;CYAN>twenty chars 234567890<RESET>
+       <GREEN>+<RESET><GREEN>nineteen chars 456789<RESET>
+       <BOLD>diff --git a/foo b/foo<RESET>
+       <BOLD>--- a/foo<RESET>
+       <BOLD>+++ b/foo<RESET>
+       <CYAN>@@ -1,3 +1 @@<RESET>
+       <RED>-nineteen chars 456789<RESET>
+        irrelevant_line<RESET>
+       <BOLD;MAGENTA>-twenty chars 234567890<RESET>
+       EOF
+       test_cmp expected actual
+test_expect_success '--color-moved treats adjacent blocks as separate for MIN_ALNUM_COUNT' '
+       git reset --hard &&
+       cat <<-\EOF >foo &&
+       7charsA
+       irrelevant_line
+       7charsB
+       7charsC
+       EOF
+       >bar &&
+       git add foo bar &&
+       git commit -m x &&
+       cat <<-\EOF >foo &&
+       irrelevant_line
+       EOF
+       cat <<-\EOF >bar &&
+       7charsB
+       7charsC
+       7charsA
+       EOF
+       git diff HEAD --color-moved=zebra --no-renames | grep -v "index" | test_decode_color >actual &&
+       cat >expected <<-\EOF &&
+       <BOLD>diff --git a/bar b/bar<RESET>
+       <BOLD>--- a/bar<RESET>
+       <BOLD>+++ b/bar<RESET>
+       <CYAN>@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@<RESET>
+       <GREEN>+<RESET><GREEN>7charsB<RESET>
+       <GREEN>+<RESET><GREEN>7charsC<RESET>
+       <GREEN>+<RESET><GREEN>7charsA<RESET>
+       <BOLD>diff --git a/foo b/foo<RESET>
+       <BOLD>--- a/foo<RESET>
+       <BOLD>+++ b/foo<RESET>
+       <CYAN>@@ -1,4 +1 @@<RESET>
+       <RED>-7charsA<RESET>
+        irrelevant_line<RESET>
+       <RED>-7charsB<RESET>
+       <RED>-7charsC<RESET>
+       EOF
+       test_cmp expected actual
 test_expect_success 'move detection with submodules' '
        test_create_repo bananas &&
        echo ripe >bananas/recipe &&