lenz's law clarifications
[notes.git] / physics /
2018-10-21 lenz's law clarifications
2018-10-20 more additions to cheatsheet from nht exam
2018-10-19 create spectrum graphic
2018-10-17 exam analysis spreadsheet for nht 2018
2018-10-15 adjustments to cheatsheet after LM & PTTT practice...
2018-10-07 diagram for lenz's law
2018-10-04 lenz's law and minor clarifications
2018-10-03 cheatsheet - kinetic energy, harmonics etc
2018-09-26 update physics cheatsheet
2018-09-23 add to cheatsheet
2018-09-16 Merge branch 'master' of ssh://charles/tank/andrew...
2018-09-16 Merge branch 'master' of ssh://charles/tank/andrew...
2018-09-16 cheatsheet additions & tidy up sidecars
2018-09-10 physics cheatsheet - diffraction, huygen etc
2018-09-10 acid-base rxn's
2018-09-09 draft final cheatsheet
2018-09-09 Merge branch 'master' of ssh://charles/tank/andrew...
2018-09-09 start final cheatsheet
2018-09-05 v-t graphs
2018-09-04 finish light matter cheatsheet
2018-09-04 refine light & matter cheatsheet
2018-09-04 light-matter cheatsheet
2018-09-03 Merge: forgot some shit again
2018-09-03 minor modifications to photoelectric notes
2018-09-02 methods, chem, physics revision
2018-08-29 antidifferentiating applications, start kinematics...
2018-08-28 antidiff applications & photoelectric graphics
2018-08-22 retarding voltage of electrons
2018-08-22 antiderivatives, photoelectric energy
2018-08-21 update methods / physics / spec notes
2018-08-20 photoelectric effect
2018-08-18 logarithmic derivatives
2018-08-17 tangents & normals, light-matter interactions
2018-08-15 physics waves cheatsheet
2018-08-12 general additions
2018-08-04 double-slit experiment and em waves
2018-08-02 render final notes for graphing & circ fn's, add local...
2018-08-01 wave interference, minor adjustments to locus notes
2018-07-22 rendered physics stuff
2018-07-19 finalise midyear reference & tidy tex code
2018-07-19 add more waves notes, chem h20 notes
2018-07-16 add midyear cheatsheet, add ch8-9 notes for waves
2018-07-09 start physics midyear notes, move fonts/* to .fonts/*
2018-06-21 actually added physics waves:
2018-06-18 finish fields notes
2018-06-18 finish fields notes
2018-06-18 add to fields notes
2018-06-17 expand fields notes
2018-06-16 consolidate notes